STIGMA around periods is the primary reason behind school dropouts, child marriage and underdevelopment .
Don't code these days as "Undinon mein, Niagara falls, Matki phoot gayi, Signal down, Bio-clock, MC".... and so on.. very common to hide a common Biological function of body but taken as myth n secret.
Lets pledge on this
#WorldMenstrualHygieneDay is an annual awareness day on May 28 to highlight the
importance of good menstrual hygiene management.
Menstrual Hygiene Day is an annual awareness day on May 28 to highlight the importance of good menstrual hygiene management.
Menstrual hygiene day is meant to serve as a platform for women and girls around the world, helping to break the silence about menstrual hygiene management.LET'S HELP THEM.. TALK TO THEM..
WHY THIS DAY-....Choice of date
May 28 has symbolic meaning. May is the 5th month of the year and women menstruate an average of 5 days every month. Also, the menstrual cycle averages 28 days.
Despite the fact that menstruation is a healthy biological process, it is approached with hesitance and misinformation because of deeply-rooted cultural taboos surrounding menstruation.
चुप रहकर नजरअंदाज न करें बड़े खतरे को....
मासिक धर्म... जरा धीरे से बोलो यह सबके सामने बोलने वाली बात नहीं है। इसके बारे में किसी से बात भी नहीं करना ठीक है। कुछ ऐसी ही कहानी है हर घर की, जब पहली बार किसी लड़की को मासिक धर्म होते है, तो उसे यहीं बातें सिखाई जाती है। वहीं, इस शब्द को सुनते ही कई लोगों थोड़ा असहज महसूस करने लगते है। ना केवल पुरुष बल्कि, कई महिलाएं चाहकर भी मासिक धर्म के बारे में बातें नहीं कर पाती। जबकि मासिक धर्म एक ऐसी प्राकृतिक प्रक्रिया है जिसकी वजह से जीवन की उत्पति हुई है।
आज भले ही हमारा समाज आधुनिकता की ओर बढ़ रहा हो लेकिन, समाज की सोच आज भी कमजोर और पिछड़ी हुई है। आज भी इसे एक बीमारी के तौर पर ही देखा जाता है। इसी सोच को बदलने के लिए Menstrual Hygiene Day मनाया जाता है।
मासिक धर्म के दौरान एक महिलाएं के शरीर में कई प्रकार के बदलाव आते है। कई बार यह बदलाव ऐसा होते है जिन्हें महिलाएं खुद भी समझ नहीं पाती है और चाहकर भी उसके बारे में किसी से साझा नहीं करती है। जब पहली बार लड़कियों को पिरियड्स आते है तो वह अपनी मां से भी इस बारे में ठीक से बात नहीं करती है
She is our Daughter, Sister, Wife,
Mom or Friend lets talk.
It's not a curse, it's a blessing,
it's for Growth, it's development phase, support them, encourage them ,educate them
,talk with them.
Let’s give them the freedom to talk,
walk & work during menstrual day.
It's a phenomenon of change of body,
hormonal & mind .
Let's come forward n tell them we all
are with them for their Growth, development & health for future.
It's the foundation stage of their
Teach n educate them about the
hygiene during Menstrual days &
other days.
EMPOWER HER with the knowledge to
lead life and make a part of life not the taboo, disguise or some hidden facts
or secret during these 5 days of monthly cycle.
It’s a power you are growing, you are
now getting ready to be mature to lead life.
Break SILENCE n TALK to them .
We as
Father, Husband, Brother & Friend..have to break the silence & talk to
them, support them Encourage them & walk with them its their Body &
it's there life.
Our Motto is to keep World Healthy and we are well
determined to it.
HAPPY Knowledge Enrichment !
We will be back with latest update
with more information........ HAPPY READING !!!!!
Nurture Your Emotional Health
P.A.I.D, (Patient Awareness
Initiative Department) Quest Biotech India Pvt. Ltd
infertility for easy Conception. (No more adoption, with Dr Itua your problem will solve and you will have your child with ease.I have been blog Sites for a while now and today i felt like i should share my story because i was a victim too. I had endometriosis for 18 years and i never thought i would ever get a cure due to the terrible symptoms i had and this made it impossible for me to get pregnant even after 12 years of marriage and it was a serious issue. I got to know about Dr. Itua on Blog Site who treated someone and the person shared a story of how she got a cure and let her contact details, i contacted Dr. Itua and he actually confirmed it and i decided to give a try too and use his herbal medicine that was how my burden ended completely. My son will be 2 this december and i am gratetful to God and thankful to his medicine too.Dr Itua Can As Well Cure The Following Desease…Cancer,Hiv,Herpes,Epilepsy, Hepatitis B,Liver Inflammatory,Diabetis,Fribroid,Get Your Ex Back, If you have (A just reach his on (drituaherbalcenter@gmail. com Or Whatsapp Number..+2348149277967)He can also advise you on how to handle some marital's issues.He's a good man.