Thursday 11 May 2017

Every Mothers Counts - Celebrating Mother's Day

Consider this job posting:

"No degree or prior experience required; salary and hours non-negotiable; no paid benefits; lifelong tenure.”

Would you be surprised to learn than 115 billion Indians now hold this position?

Their job title is Mom.

Mother’s Day is a day to recognize mom, so have a special message for each of you! We wanted to take a moment to wish each mom a Happy Mother’s Day from the Members of Quest Biotech India Family(the Questians).

Being a mom is a hard task but it doesn’t go unrecognized.We are blessed to see moms of every generation and for every reason at each of our locations. Some are mothers to one & some to many. Some are grandmothers, friends, temporary guardians or relatives that are playing the role of mom. You come into the office poised, with smiles & with your enduring love shining through.

We want you to know your work doesn’t go unnoticed. Some of Mothers are stay-at-home moms & some are working mothers. Mothers each deserve a medal. Mothers are super heroes above anything else. You hold it together through the roughest of waves and embrace the calm before every storm.

It goes without saying that being a mom is one of the toughest, most rewarding jobs out there and not a day goes by where we aren't grateful for all the hard work and sacrifices that moms across the world make for their families.

This Sunday is a special chance  to say "THANK YOU MOM" and "WE LOVE YOU!".

My Mother is a walking miracle

But!! Mother needs Energy to Do Miracle All the Time:

Working moms need energy. Energy enables us to physically move and, perhaps even more importantly, it helps us think clearly, creatively, and decisively. Where does energy come from? Why do we often feel like we don’t have enough? How can we create more?

Our physical energy levels can greatly impact our mood, focus, thoughts and feelings – for better or for worse. Think about how you feel when you have low energy. Can you concentrate? Are you at your best? Or are you impatient, crabby, tired, and not focused on the task at hand? How can your Mother manage – and even increase – her energy levels?

Crt-E - An Energy Booster:

Crt-E is having prominent mixture of Carnitine and Vitamin E. Whereas:

Carnitine is an incredible amino acid with amazing properties and benefits, including weight loss, fitness and anti-aging. L-carnitine helps the body produce energy, and it’s important for heart and brain function, muscle movement, and many other body processes.

The multi-faceted benefits of acetyl-l-carnitine in brain cells make it an important supplement that we can take to maintain and improve overall neurological functions. Carnitine also has an antioxidant effect, which helps human aging and health. Carnitine can help to maintain bone mass, help to treat symptoms of hyperthyroidism, improve symptoms in moderate asthmatics and some research shows that it can help some heart conditions.

Vitamin - E is a fat-soluble vitamin. It is also known as being a powerful antioxidant. Antioxidants are helpful in your diet, because they neutralize free-radical cells in your body. Free radicals are cells that have become oxidized. These can be harmful, but they occur naturally from processes that occur inside your body. An abundance of free radicals may lead to such conditions as heart disease and cancer. Getting enough vitamin E can reduce disease and symptoms that affect women.

B-Gut as Immunity Enhancer:

B-Gut can indemnify your Mother's Gut, and act as a Immunity Enhancer. It is having a special mixture of Pre-Probiotics, Vitamin B Variants and Colostrum.

Pre - Probiotics — For Life!

Pre - Probiotics reinforce the mucosal barrier of the intestines, which is associated with the gut-associated lymph tissue (GALT), helping to prevent pathogens, toxins and allergens from entering the rest of the body.

Colostrum - The Actual Immune Factor:

Colostrum is the only source of these life giving components, the actual immune factors and all of our body's growth factors in perfect combination as nature intended. Research has shown that colostrum has the demonstrated ability to kill bacteria and viral invaders, stimulate tissue repair (particularly the bowel lining), stimulate fat utilization for fuel and optimize cellular reproduction (anti-aging). No other substance on the planet can provide all of these marvelous benefits.

Vitamin B Variants: 

Essential nutrients of Vitamin B Variants help convert our food into fuel, allowing us to stay energized throughout the day. While many of the following vitamins work in tandem, each has its own specific benefits — from promoting healthy skin and hair to preventing memory loss or migraines.


Gift Your Mom by Crt-E and B-Gut to strengthen their energy and boosting their immunity.

 Truly our Mother is aMazing, lOving, sTrong, Happy, sElfless and gRaceful....

Our Motto is  to keep World Healthy and we are well determined to it.


- P.A.I.D, (Patient Awareness Initiative Department) Quest Biotech India Pvt. Ltd.

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